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Blackberry fails when moving a user to a new Exchange 2007 server - Microsoft Consulting Services - CloudServus - United States

Written by cloudservuscom | Apr 14, 2009 7:00:08 PM

When I started at my new company we were running in a mixed environment (Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007). There were a number of configuration items that just didn’t make sense and the previous Exchange guy was no longer there. I quickly began rebuilding the Exchange 2007 environment. When I built some new Exchange 2007 servers we installed them in a new AD site (DFW). We installed the following roles:2 – CAS servers2 – Hub servers1 – CCR Mailbox Cluster

After moving a couple of users to the new site their Blackberry stopped working. After


First we tried these steps.

Set BlackBerry Permissions on the Server:

To set Send As, Receive As, and Administer Information Store permissions, complete the following steps:

1. Click Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 > Exchange Management Shell.2. Click Start > Run.3. Type cmd.4. Press Enter.5. Type the following line, and then press Enter:get-mailboxserver E2K7SERVER| add-adpermission -user BESADMIN -accessrights GenericRead, GenericWrite -extendedrights Send-As, Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin

Where E2K7SERVER is the name of the Microsoft Exchange 2007 Server and BESADMIN is the name of the BlackBerry Enterprise Server service account.To verify the Send As, Receive As, and Administer Information Store permissions, complete the following steps:

Click Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 > Exchange Management Shell.In the command prompt window, type the following:get-mailboxserver Exchange2007 | get-ADpermission -user BESAdmin | Format-List

Press Enter.

This fixed the problem:get-mailboxdatabase E2K7SERVERSGNAMEDBNAME | add-adpermission -user BESADMIN -accessrights GenericRead, GenericWrite -extendedrights Send-As, Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin